Darrell Stuckey News


It is incredible to think of the impact that a few hours can have on a kid’s life. In the last week I have hosted two free camps, one in San Diego and the other in Kansas City. I have never been so happy to be exhausted on behalf of others. The two camps reached about 500 athletes. We reiterated basic fundamentals, techniques, and skills. We urged them to master the one thing that takes no talent, effort!

Darrell Stuckey News

A Salute to Service

Honoring and spending time with our military is something I take great pride in. Maybe it is because of the sacrifices they make, or the commitment to defend and protect our country. It could have something to do with me spending four years in Air Force Jr. ROTC while in high school. I am not saying what I was exposed to as a teenager is anywhere near to what our military does day in and day out. But, it was a fraction of what basic training could potentially be like and I’m not sure if I had what it takes at that time. I graduated as Group First Sargent (assistant to the Commander) so I was pretty accomplished in our ranks. I am grateful for my military experience because the program taught me to tie a tie, wear a suite properly, to shave, stand up straight, speak with conviction and respect, discipline, self control, and what it meant to be a man of honor.

A salute to service, for your commitment to excellence…