Bio 623


In the Community

Mission Statement-My mission in life is to use Living4One to help people discover that they were created to influence the world in a positive way.
Living4One Purpose- We must discover our gifts/talents, master them, and incorporate them into the master plan. We all have a purpose in life, that influences the people we are around in our community, work place, team, and family. We must use our gifts to better the world we live in.

Living4One Community- “I am not a product of my environment, I want my environment to be a product of me.” You have the power to influence the people and things around you. Whether it is in a negative or positive way is up to you. Living4One Team-It is not about you, it is all about the team. No one should care who gets the credit. You have to be willing to be lead and have the ability to lead by example. Living4One Goal-We strive to be the very best that we can be. What are your individual goals. How will you accomplish them? What do you have to give up to insure that you reach YOUR GOAL.

Seek to empower and improve, not to drain or misuse

Mission Statement-My mission in life is to use Living4One to help people discover that they were created to influence the world in a positive way.
Living4One Purpose- We must discover our gifts/talents, master them, and incorporate them into the master plan. We all have a purpose in life, that influences the people we are around in our community, work place, team, and family. We must use our gifts to better the world we live in.

Living4One Community- “I am not a product of my environment, I want my environment to be a product of me.” You have the power to influence the people and things around you. Whether it is in a negative or positive way is up to you. Living4One Team-It is not about you, it is all about the team. No one should care who gets the credit. You have to be willing to be lead and have the ability to lead by example. Living4One Goal-We strive to be the very best that we can be. What are your individual goals. How will you accomplish them? What do you have to give up to insure that you reach YOUR GOAL.

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